Gaia's Breath and Bones
A composite image of Gaia's living embodiment.
Water Gaia: The Earth as Aquifer
A planet needs to be inhabited in order to remain habitable
Catching The Falling Sky
The planetary crisis seen from the Yanomami cosmos of Davi Kopenawa
Exploring the Symbiotic Forest
Nurturing planetary cognition by communicating wood wide webs
Gaia and Philosophy
An international symposium
Becoming animist: GPT-3 and the ontology of relations
Discussing ontological shifts with a large language model
From Control to Kinship
Ecological restoration in a more-than-human world
Does the Earth Care?
Rethinking our relationship with Earth in a time of environmental emergency
The Gaia Alarm
We need to create Gaiawise communities.
The Infra-Human: Pharmako-AI on Life, Gaia, and Symbiosis
Pharmako-Al considers the planetary crisis, plant awareness, and living systems.