Cybernetics and the Gaia Hypothesis

On January 16, 2022, the American Society for Cybernetics (ASC) sponsored Bruce Clarke's presentation on "Cybernetics and the Gaia Hypothesis," followed by conversation and Q&A. This talk took place as part of the ASC Speakers Series on Cybernetics and Humans' Knowing.
The ASC is a worldwide scholastic organization for the advancement and promotion of cybernetics as a science, a meta-discipline, and as a basis for interdisciplinary discourse. Developing and applying both first- and second-order cybernetic concepts, it creates bridges between disciplines, philosophies, sciences, and arts. Gaian Systems would like to thank the ASC for sponsoring this event and to recommend this organization and its activities to our subscribers.
A recording of the "Cybernetics and the Gaia Hypothesis" can be viewed here.
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